
Monday, December 16, 2013

How I'm Going to Save More Money in 2014

My friends and family know that I'm all about finding good deals to help save money.  It still shocks people that we are able to maintain our household on a single income.  Like most years, now is the time I think of my New Year's resolution (which I rarely stick to).  In 2014, I plan to hold myself (and my family) accountable though.  My goal for 2014 is to save MORE money.  Come January 1st, I'm going to put my family's spending in check.  Our first goal is to pay off our family vehicle (a whole 4 years early!).  Secondly, we have our first ever family vacation planned next year.  I am already busy planning that so we spend as little as possible, while having the best experience we can.

Some steps I'm going to take to save us more money in 2014:

  • Track spending
  • Shorten showers
  • Shop BOGO sales (I've got two kids, we always need two of everything!)
  • Spend smarter
  • Pay myself before I spend money (put more money in savings)
  • Clean my house (I'm going to take an "inventory" of what we already have so I don't buy multiples)
  • Waste less
  • Make my garden bigger so it yields more fresh produce

So there you have it, my 2014 New Year's resolution, SAVE MORE MONEY!  I'll post later about how I already saved money up til this point.  I'm teaming up with other bloggers to keep you updated on our resolutions, and to help hold each other accountable.  What has your family done to save money?


  1. I love them! Short, achievable goals! If you want to link them up, please do! And you can share every month on the last Friday either by blog post or by just commenting how you are doing!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Tammy! I linked up already! Thanks for sharing with me!!!!

  3. I need to expand my garden too and figure out how to stager my planting so I don't have 20 cantaloupes coming in at the same time and having to throw them away (because they rotted)or give them away. Will start planning the garden after the first of the year and will be adding some new items and taking away some. I also like your goals of buying more BOGO's - I know how it is with 2 kids.

  4. Hi Alecia.....20 cantaloupes at once! Holy cow! Have you ever thought of trying to barter or trade with friends, family, and neighbors? Maybe they have something you need in exchange for some fresh produce.

  5. Can't wait to see how you will save money throughout the year....I'm always looking for new ways:)
