
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Product Review: It Works

Almost everywhere you turn you see something about these wraps from It Works.  You look at the photos and know that there is no way you can see results like that with just a wrap!  I decided to put them to the test (again).  I tried one about a year ago and saw no change at all (the person I bought the wrap from didn't tell me I had to drink a butt load of water).  I have an It Works rep that is local, so I decided to contact her and get set up with a pack of 4 wraps (cost me $65).  Ashley was very helpful through the process.  She gave me detailed instructions on what to do.  She also checked in with me every 3-4 days to see how the wraps were going and to make sure I didn't have any questions about them.  My main goal when doing these wraps was to focus on my mama pooch (you know mom's, that little bit of excess skin from having kids).  Before I had my daughter, I wore a size 9.  After I had her I jumped up to a size 16, where I stayed until my son was born.  After that I was in a size 22.  I work out multiple times per week, I eat right with the exception of a day or two, and I chase around my toddler all day long!  I don't consider myself a lazy person by any means.  I have dropped to a size 20 since the birth of my son (2 1/2 years ago!!!!!!!!).  With the help of the wraps, I am now able to fit into a size 18.  I am not saying these are a super miracle wrap that will cause you to drop a full pants size.....I was on the border of an 18 just barely fitting.

Here are my results:

I did not change my diet, I increased my water consumption, and up until last night, I did not change my work out routine (last night the hubby and I decided to push each other while doing sit ups and planks!).  While I do admit the results are great, these should be used in conjunction with a weight loss routine to get the maximum results.

Please note.....these are my actual results.  Results can and will vary for each person.  I was not paid to or asked to write this review.  I also paid for the product with my own money.  If the budget permits it, I would like to try the defining gel next. 
Contact Ashley Cox on Facebook or through her personal It Works website!

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