
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Doesn't Get More Fresh Than This!

For about a month I have been growing lettuce in my garden window.  After reading previous posts, you may have noticed that I am starting to take an interest in the whole green initiative.  I love eating salads, they are fesh and healthy.  But I hate buying lettuce.  Most of the time it goes bad before I finish it all.  It only made sense to try to grow my own lettuce.  

Here is my little lettuce bed (right after I clipped some lettuce for lunch).  

I grew the lettuce I ate for lunch along with the green onions!  I don't think I have room to do tomatoes indoors, so we'll just wait until spring comes so I can get my tomatoe garden going!

Delicious, fresh, and healthy!  It doesn't get any better that that!  Just wanted to share this with you!

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