
Thursday, February 24, 2011

From 1/2 Bath to Walk-In

So, we bought our home on June 30th 2010. It was a forclosed home, so as you can imagine, lots of work has to be done. I was also 7 months pregnant! So we only did what we had to to move in: the bedrooms, the kitchen, the living room, and the main bathroom.
We had a 1/2 bath in the master. It was kinda small, and I hate having it right there. What we really neede was more closet space, because my husband's clothes take up all of our existing closet ;) So here it is! As of today, it is not fully finished, but I figured I would post pictures anyways!
The dreaded before picture.
This was once we got the tiles off of the walls, took the mirror down, and put new drywall where the mirror was! This was not fun! If you have never torn down tile that has been set in mortar for 40 years, you may want to either enlist the help of big strong (good looking) men to help, or buy lots of Icy Hot!
This is where we are at! Not exactly an after picture. We still have to hang the rest of the shelving, touch up the walls, clean up our mess, fix the portion of the sub-floor that is bothering me, and lay down my new oh-so-soft carpet! And yes, I surely did switch out the light myself! An electrician was going to charge $75 for that job! Money well saved!

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